Pleo Voice Over Case

What’s Pleo?

Explainer video in four languages (Spanish, Swedish, Danish, and French)

Do you work with a complicated or niche product? Then we’re sure you know all about the wonderful world of explainer videos.

Our friends at Pleo answer the question “what’s Pleo?” with tremendous ease in this short-animated video for which we provided voice-overs in 4 languages. Going all the way to create an animated explainer video is important but making sure to localize your audio recording is as important.

Pleo offers smart credit cards for businesses, providing freedom from the stress of expense reports and employees paying out of their pockets. Pleo delivers a possibility for companies to give power to their people, making them feel valued, trusted and empowered, responsible for their own purchases that the finance team can review in real-time.

With an increasingly growing customer base expanding across several European markets, Pleo needed localized voice-over for their explainer video. That’s VoiceArchive’s cue. We provided Pleo with voice-overs in Danish, Spanish, Swedish, and French – carefully selected to match the tone and energy desired for the Pleo brand, and adhering to the pronunciation indications required.

(European) Spanish voice-over featured in this video:

Listen to Jesus

What’s an explainer video?

It’s a small, clear, animated video focused on what your business does and how your product solves your customer’s problems.

The reasons for this are many. Explainer videos allow you to grab and retain your audience’s attention in a society with a rapidly decreasing attention span. They also offer a straightforward explanation of complex topics related to technical products like software, specialized equipment or machinery, etc. that require detailed description.

All in all, explainer videos are the best tool to convey a message to your audience and explain why they should choose your solution. They are also the best way to know more about: what’s Pleo?

Danish voice-over featured in this video:

Listen to Merethe

Swedish voice-over featured in this video:

Listen to Benjamin

Do you need assistance with your next campaign?

Then please reach out. We’ll be happy to help.

Anna Sticken

Key Account Manager